If you know who or what group you want to get in touch with, try browsing our full staff panel. You can always reach us at our main telephone, which you will find in our General Contact details.

For any queries you may have on careers, internships or job opoortunities you may use our general contact comunicaciones@iim.csic.es.
Beware that we are not collecting CVs at the moment. All contracts at CSIC must be processed by our Job Portal. Choose the Autonomous Community of Galicia and the Institute of Marine Research (IIM) as one of your chosen centres.
For becoming a Civil Servant at CSIC, check all current Open Job Offers here.

For anything related to establishing new scientific collaborations and for questions about our innovation capabilities, please visit our innovation capabilities portal.
You can also contact our Internationalization & Transfer Unit (IACIC).

To book a visit to your school by our staff or a visit to our Institute, please check our Visit the IIM page or contact our Engagement with Society Unit (UCC+i).
They're also the ones to get in touch with if you wish to suggest a public engagement activity, if you need marine science educational resources, if you’re looking for a partner in your STS studies or for any other type of collaboration in the field of Public Engagement with Marine Science.

For media queries, please contact our in-site Communications Manager:

For website-related issues, please contact the staff at our Engagement with Society Unit - Area for Communications.
If you're part of IIM-CSIC staff and are experiencing technical issues, please contact our IT Support Service via the IIM's Intranet.