Marine instruments & sensors
Measuring essential physical, chemical and biological variables related to the ocean, climate and ecosystems is of vital importance for marine industries, decision-making bodies and scientific research in order to ensure the sustainable use of the oceans.
Monitoring seas and oceans requires a combination of observation technologies, including remote sensing and real-time observation, acoustic and electromagnetic sensors, environmental “e-DNA” techniques, autonomous platforms, etc.
The IIM-CSIC has a wide expertise in using and developing new ocean observation technologies, including the adaptation of devices to monitor specific processes and their interactions with coastal human infrastructures (i.e. mussel rafts, ports, etc.)
You can read about all our capabilities and associated services below.
- Capabilities | Development and application of molecular methodologies for the identification and quantification of marine species in environmental samples
Identification of new molecular markers for species identification through Next-Generation Sequencing in environmental DNA samples, with applications for biodiversity monitoring and fisheries stock assessment.
- Capabilities | Biodiversity AssessmentMarine instruments & sensors Coastal & Environmental Protection Maritime Spatial Planning Ecosystem Services & Governance
Monitoring temporal and spatial distribution of species, abundance and biomass from several taxa using different techniques such as e-DNA, pigment characterization, flow cytometry, acoustic telemetry, images collected from remote observation systems (i.e. drones, etc.) or classic taxonomic identification.
- Prototype | MUSSEL-HFNI: high-frequency non-invasive (HFNI) low-cost biosensor for aquaculture monitoring
Device to monitor the physiological status of up to 64 bivalves in their culture system in real time.
The monitoring system is based on the analysis of micro-movements of bivalves related to valve opening (valvometry). This technique has been confirmed by recent studies as a very promising technique to detect harmful algal blooms or ocean acidification episodes.
The prototype is being adapted to increase its portability and autonomy. For further information, please contact us by e-mail.
- Prototype | SURCOM-pH: Low-cost sensor for autonomous ocean acidification monitoring
Prototype of a low-cost autonomous pH sensor based on ISFET (ion sensitive field effect transistor) technology adapted for continuous ocean monitoring.
The sensor yields a high precision (± 0.003 pH units) and a very low measurement drift, provides real-time coastal data transmission, and its autonomy allows for over one year of continuous transmission.
The prototype has been tested for long periods in coastal areas and has been calibrated against commercial sensors, providing very good reliability. For further information, please contact us by e-mail.
- Capabilities | Technical assistance in oceanographic and coastal sampling, data processing and interpretation
Technical assistance in sampling design and sensor selection for the collection of observational data on physical and biogeochemical processes in marine environments, as well as in data processing, modelling and interpretation.
PEACHESEA - Ocean Acidification Analysis
Genomics & Bioinformatic Analyses
AQUANITROMET - Analysis of Greenhouse Effect Gases in Natural Waters
SIES - Species Identification and DNA Sequencing
Metals Determination in the Marine Environment
IMAPeO - Instrumentation, Modeling, Analysis and Processing in Oceanography
Fish Functional Genomics
Life History
Flow Cytometry
Monitoring and observation of the marine environment
Active projects
<p>Red para el estudio y promoción de los servicios ecosistémicos de bivalvos</p>
Principal investigator:FernándezBabarroJose ManuelFunding body:Ayuda RED2022-134186-T financiada por MICIU/AEI
/10.13039/501100011033. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónFunding for IIM-CSIC:18300€Fromto - SINERXIA -
<p>Asesoramiento formativo técnico sobre Técnologías Facilitadores (TFE) relacionadas con el sector pesquero y agroalimentación</p>
Principal investigator:SaboridoReyFranFunding body:SINERXIA SLUFunding for IIM-CSIC:8264€Fromto <p>OCEANOLOGÍA</p>
Principal investigator:GonzálezCastroCarmenFunding body:Ayudas cofinanciadas con fondos de la Agencia Gallega de Innovación de la Xunta de GaliciaFunding for IIM-CSIC:233333€Fromto- AICOS -
<p>AICOS: Acidification In Coastal and Oceanic Systems</p>
Principal investigator:VeloLanchasAntónFunding body:CSICFunding for IIM-CSIC:40000€Fromto - ATLAZUL -
<p>Impulso de la Alianza Atlántica para el crecimiento azul</p>
Principal investigator:SaboridoReyFranFunding body:Proyecto 0755_ATLAZUL_6_E cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER a través del Programa Interreg V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020Funding for IIM-CSIC:225000€Fromto - STRAUSS -
Principal investigator:GilCotoMiguelFernándezBabarroJose ManuelFunding body:Proyecto PID2019-106008RB-C21 financiado por MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033Funding for IIM-CSIC:221000€Fromto - NuTec -
<p>Nuevas Tecnologías moleculares y de control remoto para la Evaluación de las poblaciones de Cetáceos</p>
Principal investigator:PierceGraham JohnRotllantMoragasJosepFunding body:Ayuda BM2019/40 financiada con la colaboración de la Fundación Biodiversidad y del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad Marina en EspañaFunding for IIM-CSIC:58322€Fromto - BOCATS2 -
Principal investigator:VeloLanchasAntónFernándezPérezFizFunding body:Proyecto PID2019-104279GB-C21 financiado por MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033Funding for IIM-CSIC:180000€Fromto - FishGenome -
<p>Improving Cost-Efficiency of Fisheries Research Surveys and Fish Stocks Assessments using Next-Generation Genetic Sequencing Methods</p>
Principal investigator:SaboridoReyFranFunding body:European CommisionFunding for IIM-CSIC:800000€Fromto - RadarOnRaia -
<p>High Frequency radars in the RAIA Observatory</p>
Principal investigator:GilCotoMiguelFunding body:Proyecto 0461_RADAR_ON_RAIA_1_E cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER a través del Programa Interreg V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020Funding for IIM-CSIC:71398€Fromto