
  • Software | GOVOCITOS

    Govocitos is a free image analysis software that allows for easy and accurate determination of reproductive parameters in fish based on histological images. Although designed to estimate fish fertility, its applications are expandable to other counting, measurement and classification problems (i.e. pollen count, oncology and cytology, etc.).

    More information here.

  • Prototype | iObserver: On-board electronic monitoring system for catch identification and quantification

    iObserver is an innovative monitoring device based on automated video monitoring coupled with artificial intelligence developments for visual recognition and quantification of the catches on board fishing vessels.

    iObserver implements a continuous image recording system adaptable to different fishing vessels and deep learning algorithms to automatically identify and quantify catches on board in real time.

    iObserver focuses mainly on developing algorithms for robust automatic species recognition and size estimation of fish transported on a conveyor belt. Trials have been performed on board Spanish oceanographic vessels and commercial vessels. With over 300 days at sea, iObserver was used in more than 1000 hauls and took more than 200,000 pictures, and 17 species have already been included in the system's catalogue.  

    For further information, please contact us by e-mail.

  • Capabilities | Pathogen incidence and risk assessment

    Pathogen detection and identification in wild and farmed animals, as well as in seafood products. Evaluation of the relationship between pathogen incidence and various environmental and physiological aspects to provide risk assessments for target pathogens.

  • Trademark | Smart Fip: 100% sustainable, 0% waste fisheries

    Smart Fip is a trademark that certifies the application of a private voluntary control system on parasitic risk assessment for fishery products along the entire value chain. Smart Fip is a cognitive predictive inspection protocol based on a set of international standards, scientific-technical protocols and unique tools that allow for the digital transformation of the inspection system. These protocols and diagnostic techniques are based on the European biobank of samples and marine molecules from parasites of biotechnological interest available to the IIM-CSIC. By accepting the regulations for the use of the brand, companies implement a reliable inspection and categorization system for flexible decision-making, which allows applying technical solutions at different steps and reducing food waste throughout the whole process.

  • Capabilities | Development of new food products from fisheries and aquaculture by-products

    Development of processes for the transformation of discards and seafood by-products into new raw materials (fish mince, fish oil, etc.) with added value for the generation of innovative processed food products (hamburgers, nuggets, etc.), ensuring traceability, nutritional value and safety in new value chains.

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