PTAs 2021 | R&D&i Technical Support Staff Contracts
The Institute of Marine Research (IIM-CSIC ) shares 3 offers to apply for contracts with us for the Research Technical Support Staff, within the Aid for Technical Support Staff Contracts (PTA) 2021 from the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI).
These are three-year contracts for people with a University Degree or a technicians from the professional training of the educational system (FP), to support the management of equipment, facilities and other R&D&I infrastructures to increase and improve the performace of scientific-technical institutions like ours.
Why IIM?
The IIM belongs to the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) , Spain’s leading research body, third in Europe and seventh of the world.
The IIM-CSIC is one of the most relevant marine research centres in Spain, with a diverse research activity and transversal units of Internationalization and Scientific Culture. At IIM-CSIC, we cultivate a participatory research environment to promote the professional careers of our staff, expand their collaborative networks and increase their impact on society.
Three opportunities to boost your career
The IIM-CSIC as a marine research institution dedicated to the development of knowledge for sustainable development, conducts multidisciplinary research that responds to global challenges and local concerns and allows a comprehensive and global understanding of marine ecosystems.
The technical support staff is crucial to the scientific advances of the centre, so with regard to the call PTA 2021 , the following services of the centre have shown interest in the program and are currently looking for a person interested in applying to join the IIM team. See all the details here.
Person in charge
Supervisor: Lucía Sánchez Ruiloba | SEMAIM - Optical Microscopy & Image Analyses
The beneficiary of the PTA contract Grants will join the Scientific-Technical Support Unit (UACT) of the Vigo Institute of Marine Research in the field of the Microscopy and Image Analysis Service.
- Degree, BSc, MSc or a technician degree from the professional training educationsal system in health sciences.
- Not being employed at the IIM-CSIC by application deadline (24/02/2022) with the exception of extensions of contracts related to COVID-19.
To be valued
- Experience in optical and confocal microscopy. Knowledge and experience in image processing and analysis
- Knowledge of quality management systems, such as ISO9001
Supervisors: Monica Carrera and Manuel Pazos | Chromatography & Advanced Omics
The beneficiary of the PTA contract will join the Scientific and Technical Support Unit (UACT) of the IIM-CSIC, particularly at the Advanced Omics Service. This is a service not stablished yet, but pending on the acquisiton of a state-of-the-art high-resolution hybrid mass spectrometer recently funded by Spanish Research Agency. The future Advanced Omics Service will offer advanced Proteomics, Lipidomics and Metabolomics services.
- BSc, MSc or a technician degree from the professional training educational system in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry or related sciences.
- Not have an employment relationship with the entity with which the aid is requested on the date of submission of the application (24/02/2022). With the exception of contract extensions adopted in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19 crisis.
To be valued
- Prior knowledge and experience in the use of liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry in proteomic, lipidomic and / or metabolomic analysis.
- Management of specific software for the processing of proteomic, lipidomic and / or metabolomic data.
- Publications in scientific journals and papers at conferences in the field of proteomics, lipidomics and / or metabolomics.
Supervisor: Antonio Cobelo | Metals Determination in the Marine Environment
The beneficiary of the PTA Contract Aid would join the Scientific and Technical Support Unit (UACT) of the IIM.CSIC in the Marine Metal Determination Service; performing analysis of trace elements in the marine environment using ICP-MS.
- BSc, MSc or a technician degree from the professional training educational system in Chemistry or related sciences
- Not have an employment relationship with the entity with which the aid is requested on the date of submission of the application (24/02/2022). With the exception of contract extensions adopted in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19.
To be valued
- Previous experience in determining metals using spectroscopic techniques
Contact thesupervisors of each offer at the email addresses specified above, attaching your CV. Please note that once you contact and, if selected, you and the people responsible for each offer of the offer will have to discuss, write and complete a joint application for the Spanish State Research Agency before February 17.
That's why it's very important that you contact the supervisors of each offer before Friday, February 2 (Vigo - UTC +1).