
  • Software | DOTcvpSB: Matlab toolbox for Dynamic Optimization in Systems Biology

    DOTcvpSB is a toolbox written in MATLAB that uses the control vector parameterization (CVP) method to handle continuous and mixed integer dynamic optimization problems. DOTcvpSB has been successfully applied to several problems in systems biology and bioprocess engineering.

    More information here.

  • Software | GenSSI: toolbox for structural identifiability analysis of biological models

    GenSSI is a toolbox that requires MATLAB and Symbolic Math Toolbox. It offers a technique for studying structural identifiability using iterative Lie derivatives and identifiability tableaus.

    More information here,

  • Software | SensSB: toolbox for the development and Sensitivity analysis of Systems Biology models

    Authors: M. Rodríguez-Fernández and J. R. Banga

    Description: SensSB is an easy-to-use Matlab®-based sensitivity analysis software toolbox. This tool integrates a variety of local and global sensitivity methods that can be applied to biological models described by ordinary differential equations (ODEs) or differential algebraic equations (DAEs). SensSB is also able to import models in the Systems Biology Mark-up Language (SBML) format.

    Available here upon request.

  • Software | GLOBALm: a clustering method for constrained global optimization problems in Matlab

    Method described in Csendes, T., L. Pal, J.O.H. Sendin, J.R. Banga (2008) The GLOBAL Optimization Method Revisited. Optimization Letters, 2(4):445-454.

    Software available upon request (email us if interested).

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