Organizational Chart 2022

The most visual way of discovering how the Institute of Marine Research is organized is to have a look at our Organizational Chart. Last updated on January 2022.

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The highest governing body of the center is the Directorate, composed of the Director and Vice-Directors. They are in charge of devising the strategy of the center and ensuring that its goals are reached. It directly coordinates the action of our Internationalisation & Transfer Unit (IACIC) and our Engagement with Society Unit (UCC+i).

A ponte de Rande en obras e inmersa na néboa da ría no solpor.
Governing Board

The Governing Board provides a forum were the Heads of Department and the Staff Representatives discuss key matters with the Directorate. The Representatives are the voice of the staff of the Institute of Marine Research before the Directorate. 

Botes con diferentes cores dende amarelo a azul

The Institute's Manager is the person in charge of coordinating the administrative procedures of the Institute, as well as its economic sustainability, with the assistance of the Management staff, organized in four Management Areas.

Man poñendo post-its nun vidro.
Research Departments

At the heart of the Institute of Marine Research, you'll find research and innovation. Although our research is organized following our three Transversal Research & Innovation Programmes (TRIPs), our research groups are administratively organized in four research departments.

Man marcando "Unidades de Formación de Colonias" nunha placa Petri.
S&T Services & Support Unit

All IIM Scientific-Technical Services, that is, those which provide tailored solutions to scientific-technical problems based on our expertise, are organized within the Scientific-Technical Support Unit (UACT).

Aparello branco con mostras cargadas en pequenos viais
Advisory Committees (UPSE)

Organized within the Unit for Prevention, Security & Ethics (UPSE), the IIM-CSIC includes five committees. They are in charge of providing advice and support to the Directorate and ensuring that the Institute meets the highest  social responsibility standards.

Raia mosaico collida pola man dun mergullador
General Services

Our work on research and innovation and our commitment with society could not be properly fulfilled without the help of professionals who ensure that our documentation, our information technologies, our aquariums and the general maintenance of our appliances and facilities are properly taken care of. These are our General Services.

Tuberías no soto do IIM.